Solar GeneratorV4 (pdf)
DownloadDear Greensboro Astronomy enthusiasts:
Due to lingering inclement weather, the Greensboro Astronomy Club board has decided to err on the side of caution and cancel Friday's meeting. There is a good possibility of slippery roads due to melt/refreezing at the late hour when our members would be leaving and some would be traveling farther distances over back roads. In addition, though it will warm up Friday afternoon, temps will dip ack in to the teens tomorrow night.
The presentation on astrophotography will be rescheduled for later this spring/summer. Please take care and hopefully we will see all of you at the March meeting.
In addition, remember that TriStar 2025 is next weekend, Saturday, March 1st. The day-long conference will be held in the Koury Auditorium on msin campus of GTCC in Jamestown. Doors open at 8:30 AM.
Greensboro Astronomy Club
Greensboro Science Center